What a Difference a Day Makes - Episode 5

Previously on Days of Our Lives….. 

Or something like that. :-)  Our heroin was down but not quite out and decided to head out to convince the world that they absolutely could not function for a moment longer without purchasing her shortbread cookies. Scroll down to find out if anyone agreed or not.

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June 2014
If someone had warned me that my life was about to turn into a rollercoaster in perpetual motion I would of happily hid myself in a cave and live off fruit “borrowed” from other people’s trees for the rest of my days. However I did not receive that memo so I started down a path that had only one direction and could not be diverted from.

Armed with 5 packages of what I considered to be prettily packaged shortbread cookies I left home and headed out to the first of the coffee shops on my list.

ß ßßßß The afore mentioned “Pretty Packaging”

On arrival at my first stop I sat in the car trying to talk myself out of going inside.

“They won’t like them”

“They won’t buy from a poor black person”

“I don’t look professional enough”

"I'm not good at sales"

“I’m too fat”

“I don’t have a proper business card”.

My alter ego was doing a great demolition job on my normally high self-esteem and eventually I started the engine and drove away.

The dialog in my head continued…

”Where are you going Carol?”


“Erm why?”

“Because this is a stupid idea”


“Because no one wants these cookies”

“NO ONE? So you’ve spoken to everyone then?”


“Go back”


“What’s the alternative?”

That one hit home pretty hard, there was in fact no alternative. I turned the car around again and headed back to the coffee shop. I did not hesitate; I immediately got out of the car sucked in my gut and strode confidently through the door.

A few minutes later I emerged feeling much calmer. I had spoken to a very nice young lady who gave me the name of the supervisor and said she would pass my sample onto her and I could call the next day to speak to the supervisor. That was all I needed to feel happy and confident again. I breezed through the next four coffee shops and was soon sitting in a car park overlooking the sea.

The one single thing on earth that energises me and makes me feel happy and grateful to be alive is the sea. This is quite odd for an earth sign like me. However I sat there speaking to the ether. I want to make money doing something I love; I want to be able to support myself. I want to be able to help my family and friends. I want to bring a little sweetness into people’s lives. I want peace of mind.

I enjoyed my drive home; I'd had a productive day and I truly felt like something good would come of it. There was a calmness within me that I had not felt for a long time and I intended to savour it for as long as I could.


Join me next time for more of this exciting story.


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Carol xx


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