Cash for Gold - Episode 9

Why are there no pawn shops here? How is a person to raise a little extra cash without selling the family silver? Assuming one has family, and silver. These are some of the burning questions our intrepid entrepreneur has to tackle in the all new installment of 50 Dollars and a Prayer.
If you are new to the Blog, welcome! Or if you have missed any previous episodes you can CATCH UP HERE! So without further ado, let’s find out if the family silver is in jeopardy.

July 2014
Why do such highs have to be accompanied by such lows? For the first time since I was laid off, here was a real chance for me to make some money and what happens? I don’t have the money to buy the ingredients to make the cookies to make the money. SIGH!

AND I only had till the following day to make the cookies because in my wisdom I opened up my big fat mouth and said “Yes sure I can do that for you by tomorrow.” Why, why, why, do I do these things? Why couldn’t I have said two days instead of the following day? What was I thinking? Oh yes; that’s right, I wasn’t thinking?

OK OK beating yourself up is not going to help this situation. You need a solution. What are your options? First of all let’s work out how much money you need. I sat down with a piece of paper and pen and made a list of the ingredients I needed and the packaging I needed. As I was already familiar with all of the prices I was able to quickly work out how much money I needed.

To my surprise it was not as much as I thought. But as I had no money what so ever it could as well have been a million dollars. If I was in England I would have taken up all the valuable electrical goods in my house and taken them to the pawn shop. But we don’t have those here so what’s a girl to do to raise money in a hurry?

No one owed me money so there was no calling in a debt. My gold jewellery was not nearly heavy enough to even consider the cash for gold stores. And no my family did not have any silver. I paced up and down my living room. Something had to be done and fast.

An hour later I was still pacing and I was no closer to a solution than I was before. It was just after 8pm and I decided to relax. I knew from experience that stressing never brings about solutions. I turned the TV on and started watching an old episode of Star Trek Deep Space Nine. Damn Avery Brooks was sexy as all hell though.

Half way through the episode Dr Bashir was reminding Major Kira about the 100 Bajoran litas she owed him from the “friendly” wager they’d had the week before and as usual Kira displayed her anger management issues by arguing that the bet was only for 50 Bajoran litas.

That was when it hit me; the check, the bank. How long has it been? I went running into my bedroom to find the receipt. It seemed to take an eternity to find it but eventually it turned up. I rushed to my calendar to check how many weeks had passed and to my joy it was five.

My aunt had sent me a check for my birthday but because it takes 20 working days for an overseas check to clear and I had totally forgotten about it. I took a quick glance at the clock and I still had time to get to the supermarket before it closed. So I jumped in the car and headed out.

Smiling all the way home I could now get up in the morning and bake the cookies ordered and I would be able to rush into town and get the packaging that I needed also.

It was a good day!

And there you have it; good news for a change. Lol J

Join me next time and REMEMBER to CLICK the LINK BELOW to SUBSCRIBE.

Carol xoxo


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